Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation

Our section is in charge of obtaining intellectual properties generated from research activities at the university. We also collaborates and cooperates with other sections and subsidiaries of the university to ensure intellectual properties are used effectively and efficiently.

Patent management, technology transfer, and other processes for individual inventions at the university are generally outsourced to TLO-KYOTO Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the university.

TLO-KYOTO is in charge of technology licensing for multiple universities. Kyoto University Section of TLO-KYOTO is, therefore, in charge of the tasks for the university.

Preparing Patent Applications and Filing/Processing/Maintaining Intellectual Property Rights

We review inventions reported from researchers. If it is worth having as a patent, , we prepare and file the patent applications and process and maintain the patents.

Strategic Use of Intellectual Properties

In order to utilize the inventions in patent applications and patents, we work for patent licensing to companies, establish research and development organizations, and establish startup companies.

Invention Consulting and Preparation of Agreement

We review collaborative research agreements, commissioned research agreements, non-disclosure agreements, or other agreements from the point of view of the intellectual property rights. We also provides consultation regarding intellectual properties generated from research activities.


We held a 2017 Intellectual Property Strategy Conference on May 18, 2017. Over 300 people involved in intellectual properties in Japan and other countries participated in the conference, where they actively debated issues and exchanged views.

Related Organizations

TLO-KYOTO Co., Ltd. A Kyoto University subsidiary to which patent management, technology transfer, and other processes for individual inventions at the university are generally outsourced.
TLO-KYOTO is, therefore, in charge of technology licensing for multiple universities.Kyoto University Section is,therefore, in charge of the tasks for the university.
Kyoto University Medical Science and
Business Liaison Organization
Involved in activities to support industry-academia collaborations in medical fields.
Shirankai An organization that works in cooperation with our Section on technology transfer activities associated with inventions generated from the Graduate School of MedicineTechnology.
Technology Transfer and International
Collaboration Dept., Institute for
Advancement of Clinical and
Translational Science (iACT),
Kyoto University Hospital
Kyoto University Innovation Capital Co., Ltd. A Kyoto University subsidiary that provides funding and other support for commercializing research results from inventors belonging to Kyoto University
iPS Academia Japan, Inc. Involved in intellectual property management and technology transfer activities related to iPScell technologies.

Patents Available for Technology Transfer

Click here for a database of patents related to Kyoto University that are available for technology transfer.


Please use this form to contact the SACI.However, the response may be sent from a
department/division other than the SACI, such as from another division within
the university or from an affiliated company outside the university.